The correct training intensity is to be chosen in such a way that the
pulse moves from the lower range of 70% during training and reaches
an upper limit of 85% of the maximum pulse after a few weeks and
Start training by setting the power intensities in accordance with the
weakest part of your body i.e. a part which is least able to withstand
strain. Generally, the arms, neck and lower back and, for women, the
chest area, are more sensitive than the rest of the body.
Danger due to high power intensity
Never train if in pain.
Do not raise power intensity to a range which
is painful.
The power intensity is to be chosen in such a
way that the respective exercise can be per-
former properly with a significant level of ex-
ertion; in doing so, you must take into ac-
count individual pain thresholds and load ca-
When training with the Easy Motion Skin
, special attention must be
paid to voluntarily contracting the muscle groups while exhaling simul-
taneously in a controlled and consistent manner. This particularly ap-
plies to the stimulation phase during 85Hz training. The effectiveness
of the training can be increased by targeting the relevant muscles and
contracting them intensely, thereby realising more energy in the mus-
culature. Thus, the intensity can be kept moderate without achieving
fewer results.
Frequency of training
An effective strength building workout can be performed once or twice
a week. At least two days’ rehabilitation must be take place between
the training units. Exercises from other programmes, i.e. stamina train-
ing or massage function, can be used to supplement training.