Desinfecteer, reinig en steriliseer de ver-
schillende onderdelen en accessoires van dit
product vóór elk gebruik. Raadpleeg de informatie
in de gebruiksinstructies. Onsteriele onderdelen
en accessoires kunnen bacteriële of virusinfecties
Dit product is onderzocht op veiligheid be-
treffende elektrische schokken en brandgevaar.
De CSA (Canadian Standard Organisation) heeft
geen andere fysiologische effecten onderzocht.
De door EMS geleverde poeders zijn speci-
aal ontworpen voor gebruik met de unit. Gebruik
geen poeders van andere fabrikanten, dit zou
de unit kunnen beschadigen of kunnen leiden
tot verminderde efficiency.
Gebruik nooit "EMS Abrasive Powder"
(schuurpoeder) in de unit, dit zou de unit be-
Prije svake upotrebe dezinficirajte, očistite
i sterilizirajte dijelove i dodatke ovog proizvoda. U
uputama za rukovanje potražite više informacija.
Nesterilni dijelovi i dodaci mogu prouzročiti bak
terijske ili virusne infekcije.
Ispitana je sigurnost ovog proizvoda na
opasnost od električnog udara i požara. Kanadsko
udruženje za standardizaciju (CSA, Canadian
Standard Association) nije ispitalo fiziološke
Praškovi koje isporučuje tvrtka EMS poseb
no su dizajnirani za upotrebu s jedinicom. Ne
upotrebljavajte praškove ostalih proizvođača jer
bi to moglo oštetiti jedinicu ili negativno utjecati
na njenu učinkovitost.
Nikad ne koristite "EMS Abrasive Powder"
u jedinici jer bi je to oštetilo.
Before each use, disinfect, clean and steril-
ize the different pieces and accessories of this
product. Please refer to the information provided
in the operating instructions. Non-sterile pieces
and accessories may cause bacterial or viral
This product has been investigated with
regard to safety from electrical shock and fire
hazard. CSA (Canadian Standard Association)
has not investigated physiological effects.
The powders provided by EMS are specially
designed for use with the unit. Do not use powders
from other manufacturers as this could damage
the unit or could adversely affect its efficiency.
Never use "EMS Abrasive Powder" in the
unit, as this would damage it.
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