Page 12
GaS FleX line cOnnecTiOn
Use 3/8 inch male flare connection
Use 1/2 inch male flare connection
Figure 15
WaTeR DRainaGe ReQUiReMenT
Provisions must be made to drain water away from the unit. An
optional drain pan can be purchased from your Empire Dealer to
fit under the firepit. If installing the optional drain pan, it must be
installed prior to installing the firepit. For more information, refer
to the installation instructions supplied with the drain pan. If this
drain is not used, other water drainage is required to flow away
from the installed firepit custom base construction.
See Figure 3
for drain hole locations.
elecTRical cOnSiDeRaTiOnS (leD lighted Units Only)
A factory installed junction box is located on the lower right side
of the firepit. The junction box and wiring may be relocated to
the opposite side of the firepit if desired. Wiring to the junction
box must be metal clad or enclosed in a conduit and must be
approved for outdoor use. Connect the wiring to an external GFI
protected outlet installed near the firepit. Refer to electrical supply
section for additional information on pages 13 and 24.
planninG inSTallaTiOn (cOnT'D)