Checking Velocity:
• Put on an eye protective device designed specifically for paintball and make sure that
anyone within range of the marker does the same.
• While pointing the marker in a safe direction, remove the barrel blocking device.
• Point the marker over a chronograph that will measure the velocity of the paintballs dis
charged by the marker.
• Turn marker On and move the selector to Semi Auto (1st red selection).
• Fire the marker, checking the reading on the chronograph.
Adjusting Velocity:
Check the velocity every time prior to using your D*Fender marker.
The velocity can be adjusted via the velocity Adjuster (fig 5.1) which is accessible
through either side of the marker. Adjust the velocity with a 3/32” hex wrench by
inserting it into the adjuster holes and rotating.
• To increase (+) velocity from left side of
marker, rotate the adjuster down in
small increments, stopping between
slight turns to test velocity, until desired
velocity is achieved. A paintball specific
radar chronograph should be used to
accurately measure your velocity.
• To decrease (-) velocity from left side of
marker, rotate the adjuster up in small increments, stopping between slight turns to test
velocity, until desired velocity is achieved. A paintball specific radar chronograph should
be used to accurately measure your velocity.
• If you are adjusting from the right side of the marker, rotating up will increase (+) the
velocity and rotating down will decrease (-) the velocity.
Note: Approximately 3/4 to 1 full turn out (from all the way in) should achieve a playable
velocity. If the markers needs adjusted beyond this point, you may need to clean and re-lube
the marker internals (bolt, bolt guide, poppet).
Regulator Adjustment:
• The D*Fender is factory set to about 200 psi. You can adjust the input pressure by turning
the adjustment screw located in the front of the ASA.
• Using a 3/32” hex wrench, turn the
adjustment screw to adjust the input
pressure into the marker (Fig 5.2).
• Turn the wrench inward or clockwise to
increase the input pressure, and outward
or counterclockwise to decrease the
input pressure.
Do not increase regulator pressure over 200psi or it will
damage the marker.
Trigger Adjustment:
The D*Fender Trigger can be adjusted by the three set screws in the Trigger (Fig 5.3).
The third activation adjustment set screw can only be adjusted while the Internal
Assembly is removed.
Before making any Trigger adjustments, de-gas the D*Fender, make sure the gauge reads
0 psi, then switch the power On and turn the eyes turned Off to easily monitor the current
activation point. These can be adjusted with a 1/16” hex wrench. Make small adjustments
and check that the Trigger is activating the Trigger Switch.