When measuring currents up to 200 mA connect the end bit of the black (negative) measuring con-
ductor with the tip into the “COM” socket and the end bit of the red (positive) for measuring voltage
into the “VΩmA” socket.
Switch to the function marked with a
. Using the
button select direct or alternating current.
When measuring current up to 10 A first select the 10 A measuring range and then connect the end bit
of the black (negative) measuring conductor with a tip into the "COM" socket and the end bit of the red
(positive) for measuring voltage into the "10 A" socket. If you do not know the current range beforehand,
set the highest range possible and gradually lower it. Connect the measuring tips to the device or circuit
where you will measure the current. Turn on the device you want to measure. The value of the current
will appear on the display and its respective polarity from the red measuring tip (for DC currents).
Continuity test
Connect the end bit of the black (negative) measuring conductor with the tip into the "COM" socket and
the end bit of the red (positive) for measuring voltage into the "VΩmA" socket. Switch to the function
marked with a . Connect the measuring tips to the circuit being measured. The buzzer will ring if the
resistance of the measured circuit is lower than 20 Ω.
Note: Before testing disconnect all the power supplies to the circuit you wish to test and thoroughly discharge
all capacitors.
Resistance Measurement Function
Connect the end bit of the black (negative) measuring conductor with the tip into the "COM" socket and
the end bit of the red (positive) for measuring voltage into the "VΩmA" socket. Switch to the function
marked with a . Choose the measuring range. It is necessary to switch to a higher range if the "OL"
symbol appears on the display. Connect the measuring tips to the object being measured (resistance).
The resistance value registered will appear on the display. When measuring resistances with a value
higher than 1 MΩ it is necessary to wait a few seconds before the measured value stabilizes. If the circuit
is not closed the ”OL” symbol will appear, as when exceeding the range. Before making measurements,
disconnect the power supply from the tested circuit and thoroughly discharge all its capacitors.
Measuring diodes function
Connect the end bit of the black (negative) measuring conductor into the "COM" socket and the end bit
of the red (positive) measuring tip for measuring diodes into the "VΩmA" socket. Switch to the function
marked with a
. Connect the red measuring tip onto the anode diode and the black measuring tip onto
the cathode diode. Approximate voltage in the open state will appear on the display. When switching
polarities "OL" will appear on the display.
Testing batteries function
Connect the black (negative) measuring conductor into the "COM" socket and the red (positive) meas-
uring tip for measuring diodes into the "VΩmA" socket. Switch to the
function and choose the
measuring range according to the type of battery. Connect the measuring tips to the battery in such a
way that the red tip is connected to the positive pole and the black to the negative pole of the battery.
The values measured will appear on the display.
Note: When finished measuring disconnect the measuring tips from the battery being tested.
Measuring temperature
1. Choose the °C with the circular switch.
2. Connect the black end bit (minus) to the COM socket and the red end bit (plus) of the type K
temperature probe into the VΩmA socket.
3. Carefully place the end of the temperature probe onto the measured object. The object can not
be turned on and beware of the device's parts that rotate. After a while the measured temperature
will appear on the display.
The type K temperature probe which is part of the multimeter is made for measuring a temperature range
from 0 °C to 250 °C.