transport or ot her dir ect/indirect c osts o r any risks a ssocia ted wi th rem oving/ dismo unting ,
transporting, a nd ins talling the pr oducts .
The w arrant y will lo se its effect ivenes s if it i s misu sed an d not used th e orig inal de vice, such a s
iPhon e/iPod /iPad releas ed by Apple.
It does not apply:
if repair s or m odific ations have b een p erform ed by unaut horise d pers ons.
to dam age d ue to i nexpertly carried o ut installation, inco rrect c onnec tion, o r incorrect packing .
to dam age a ttributed to u tilisati on not specified in the op erating instruuctions, to n eglige nce o r
modifi cation , or to the use of parts tha t have not be en ma nufactured o r appr oved b y eMo Mo.
to dama ge due to fau lty or unsuitable pe ripher al dev ices.
to dam age c aused by ac cident s, ligh ting, w ater, fi re, he at, war, civil u nrest , or oth er eve nts
beyo nd the contro l of eM oMo a nd its distrib ution partne rs.
to products wh ose se rial nu mbers have been altered , delet ed, rem oved , or rendered illegi ble.
Where an appliance coup ler is u sed as the di sconn ect de vice, the disc onnec t devi ce sha ll
r emain readily oper able.
Childre n under the age of 13 sho uld not use t his product withou t adult super vision.
Strictly for indoor use. Do not ex pose t o direc t sunlight, m oistur e or ex treme temperature s.
If cove r beco mes w et disconnect power imm ediately and don't use un til completely dry.
I n orde r to prevent i njury or elec trical s hock, never attempt to re move the co ver or any
compo nents.
Summary of Contents for 39TV
Page 1: ......
Page 6: ...DEVICE OVERVIEW SOFA AUDIO KIT 1 2 5 6 4 3 8 7 6 9 iPhone BT SD USB AUX AUX SD CARD TV OUT...
Page 19: ...19 DESCRIZIONE DEL DISPOSITIVO 1 2 5 6 4 3 8 7 9 iPhone BT SD USB AUX AUX SD CARD TV OUT...
Page 32: ...Ger te bersicht SOFAAUDIO KIT 32 1 2 5 6 4 3 8 7 9 iPhone BT SD USB AUX AUX SD CARD TV OUT...
Page 42: ...42 MP3 US B SD AUX USB iPod iPhone 1 2 3 4 5...
Page 49: ...eMoMo eMoMo 49 iPhone iPod iPhone iPod iPhone...