Entering to Programming Mode
When both and button is pressed, expression
is shown on the display. After 5 secs pressing both buttons,
programming mode accessing password is shown on the
display. After entering the programming mode accessing
password, paramters can be accesing
Press button for showing parameter value and saving the
parameter value, press button for exit from parameter section
without saving parameter value.
Set Value Changing Mode
It can be accessed with or button that is on front panel.
When whichever or button is pressed expression
is shown on the display, after releasing the pressed button set
value is shown on the display and SV led becomes active. Set
value can be adjusted with and buttons.
Press button for exit from set value changing mode with
saving set value or press button for exit from set value
changing mode without saving set value
Front Panel
Hysteresis Parameter for Compressor Output (Default : 4
Hysteresis value for compressor output is determined with this
can be adjusted from 1
to 10
Evaporator Sensor Selection Parameter (Default : 1)
= Evaporator sensor is
= Evaporator sensor is
Compressor Working Period In Case of Cabinet Probe Defect
Compressor working period in case of cabinet probe defect is
determined with this parameter.
(Default : 10 minutes)
can be adjusted from 1 to 240 minutes
Compressor Working Percentage In Case of Cabinet Probe
Defect Parameter
Compressor working percentage in case of cabinet probe defect
is determined with this parameter.
(Default : %70)
can be adjusted from 0 to 100
Defrost Repeat Cycle Parameter
Defrost repeat cycle is determine with this parameter. When
pressed the button for starting the device, this time is starts
It can be adjusted from 1 to 99 hours.
(Default : 2 hours)
Defrost Stopping Temperature Parameter (Default : 2°C)
For evaporator sensor selection parameter = 0 (evaporator
sensor is active) While the defrost operation is in progress,
the temperature value that is read from the evaporator sensor is
higher than the this parameter value, then defrost operation is
stoppped. It can be adjusted from minimum value to maximum
value of device scale.
Defrost Time Parameter
Defrost time is determined with this parameter
It can be adjusted from 0 to 99 minutes.
(Default : 30 minutes)
Fan Stopping Temperature Parameter (Default : 10°C)
when the temperature value that is read from the cabinet sensor is
lower than the this parameter value, then fan is stopped.
It can be adjusted from minimum value to maximum value of device
Hysteresis Parameter for Fan Output
Hysteresis value for fan output is determined with this parameter.
(Default : 2°C)
can be adjusted from 1
to 15
Fan Delay Time After Completion of Defrost Time Parameter
(Default : 2 minutes)
It can be adjusted from 0 to 15 minutes.
Programming Mode Accessing Password
It is used for accessing to programming mode. It can be adjusted
from 0 to 999. If it is 0, password is not entered for accessing to the
(Default : 0)
Led Indication of
Led Indication of
Output Active
Led Indication of
Fan Output
Temperature Display
Led Indication of
Led Indication of SET Value
Changing Mode
Decrement Button
Increment Button
Emko Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.S. DOSAB Karanfil Sok. No:6 TR 16369 Bursa/TURKIYE Phone: +90 224 2611900 Fax: +90 224 2611912
www.emkoelektronik.com.tr [email protected]