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v. 3.20
Emery Thompson CB-350 Countertop Batch Freezer
7.10 The ALARM Screens
If the dasher motor speed controller experiences a problem, an alarm
screen will be displayed. There are two different alarm screens that may
be displayed: COMMON ALARMS and OTHER ALARMS. Some alarms
can be cleared by pressing the RESET button, while others may cause
the dasher to stop turning, and soon thereafter, the refrigeration system
to shut down. Pressing the REMEDY button will provide information for
resolving the problem that caused the alarm. If the machine stops due
to one of these alarms, it is important to take note of the alarm and call
Tech Support at Emery Thompson if the alarm persists. If the alarm
cannot be cleared by pressing the RESET button, turn off the power to
the machine for 30 seconds and turn it back on.