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Safe Use Guide 

SG0095GB Rev.06 
Year of Manufacture 2008







Emerson Process Management 
Regulator  Division 

O.M.T. Officina Meccanica Tartarini s.r.l. 
Via P. Fabbri, 1 
I - 40013 Castel Maggiore (Bologna) Italy  
Tel. : +39 – 0514190611 
Fax: +39 - 0514190715 

[email protected]


The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made 
to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the 
products or services described herein or their use or applicability. 
We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice. 






The regulator and/or safety shut-off pilot  is factory set at 
approximately the midpoint of the spring range or the 
pressure requested, so an initial adjustment may be 
required to give the desired results. 

With proper installation completed and relief valves 
properly adjusted, slowly open the upstream and 
downstream line valves. 


To change the outlet pressure, remove the closing cap or 
loosen the locknut and turn the adjusting screw clockwise 
to increase outlet pressure or counter clockwise to 
decrease pressure. 

Monitor the outlet pressure with a test gauge during the 

Replace the closing cap or tighten the locknut to maintain 
the desired setting.  

Taking Out of Service (Shutdown) 

!  WARNING  ! 

To avoid personal injury resulting from 
sudden release of pressure, isolate the 
regulator from all pressure before attempting 
disassembly and release trapped pressure 
from the equipment and pressure line. 

In case of disassembly of main pressure 
retaining parts for checks and maintenance 
procedures, external and internal tightness 
tests have to be done according applicable 

Checks and Maintenance


Regulator and its pressure accessories are subject to 
normal wear and must be inspected periodically and 
replaced as necessary. 

The frequency of inspection/checks and replacement 
depends upon the severity of service conditions and upon 
applicable National or Industry codes, standards and 

Maintenance is possible by following proper procedures 
detailed in the Instruction Manual. 

In accordance with applicable National or Industry codes, 
standards and regulations/recommendations, all hazards 
covered by specific tests after final assembling before 
applying the CE marking, shall be covered also after every 
subsequent reassembly at installation site, in order to 
ensure that the equipment will be safe throughout its 
intended life. 

Commissioning / de-commissioning


See Instruction Manual for proper operations. 

Safety requirements are according taking out of service 
above information.  

Spare parts


See Instruction Manual for spare parts tracing. 

Spare parts storage shall be done by proper procedures 
according also national standard/rules to avoid too much 
aging or any damage. 
