Commissioning device
Provisioning wireless network
For instructions on how to re-provision and re-install the sensor, refer to the
ET210 Reference Manual.
1. Power up the rugged tablet PC and connect the CC21.
2. Double-click the Permasense ET210 installation app desktop icon.
Within ~10seconds, the Permasense installation tool software
should open.
3. Attach the CC21 to the sensor.
4. In the ET210 installation app software:
a) a. The sensor ID and MAC address of the sensor should be
displayed at the top of the screen within 10 seconds.
b) b. Select the Provision tab.
c) Enter the five-digit network ID and the 32 hexadecimal
(numbers 0-9 and letters A-F) join key.
d) Click the Provision button. Confirmation is given when
provisioning is complete.
e) Check in the Network Discovery panel to confirm that the
sensor can hear a device with the network ID you wish the
sensor to join.
Joining the device to the network could take several minutes.
Figure 5-1: Install Tool
Quick Start Guide
June 2019