PACMotion VFD PROFINET Configuration User Manual
Section 2
Feb 2022
PROFINET Configuration Steps
Media Redundancy Configuration
Media Redundancy allows devices so configured to have dual network connections, providing an
alternate connection if one of the network connections is damaged. Media Redundancy may be
configured in a Simplex or Hot Standby Redundancy system. This guide assumes Hot Standby
Redundancy has been configured. Unless otherwise stated, the edits described below should be made
to the Primary hardware configuration. When complete, they will be mirrored to the Secondary HWC if
Hot Standby Redundancy has been configured.
Media Redundancy requires that the PROFINET network be wired as a ring so that the network
controller(s) has two data paths to each device. The ring must remain open until all devices on the ring
have been configured for Media Redundancy. This can be accomplished by leaving one leg of the ring
disconnected at the PROFINET Controller until Hardware Configuration has been successfully
downloaded to the Controller(s).
Configure the Ring Manager
Open the PROFINET Controller configuration, select the Media Redundancy tab, and change the Media
Redundancy setting to Manager (Figure 17). This change will expose several additional parameters. Set
Default Test Interval (ms) to 10 and Test Monitoring Count to 2.
Figure 17: Configuring the Ring Manager