Figure 14 Full-height PDU mounting brackets
Install RPC
Mounting Brackets
The RPC BDM, used to monitor Liebert MPX and Liebert MPH PDUs, can be mounted on the Knurr
DCM’s aluminum frame or door. Mounting the RPC BDM on the frame requires a quarter-turn
fastener; mounting it on the door is done with two Phillips head screws ( see Figure 15).
Figure 15 RPC BDM mounting brackets and fasteners
Top or bottom of adjustable, full-
height PDU bracket, 4" wide.
Attaches to inner face of
horizontal aluminum frame
member at top or bottom of rack.
The ends attach to the
aluminum frame members
as shown above.
Top of inset, full-height
PDU bracket, 4" wide
Attaches to inner face of
horizontal aluminum frame
member at top of rack.
Bottom of inset, full-height
PDU bracket, 4" wide
Attaches to upper face of
horizontal aluminum frame
member at bottom of rack.
Top or bottom of fixed, full-height
PDU bracket. Ends are identical,
permitting use on either side of
the cabinet. 4" wide and 8-inch
wide brackets available)
Center depth support
must be removed
before installing this
type of bracket
attaches here
fastener secures
bracket to Knurr
DCM frame
Phillips head screws
secure RPC BDM
mounting bracket to
Knurr DCM door