January 2016, Rev. 1
CAM216/16 IOM
Doc. Number: ECM-402-0116
Section 2: Installation of CAM16
Installation of CAM16
Section 2: Installation of CAM16
CAM16 is supported by M2CP, HQ, EHO and MPA electric actuators when equipped with the
proper networking features. Emerson Process Management electric actuators equipped with
HART CAM16 option require a main power source. This source will power the electric motor
and all electronic controls including the CAM16. The CAM16 HART interface is powered directly
from the device, and is not capable of communication when the actuator does not have power.
Refer to the site planning guide for proper wire types, termination and length into an Emerson
Process Management electric actuator.
Figure 1
CAM16 Card
Mounting Holes
Connector J4
Installation of HART CAM16 in 320B M2CP Unit
After removing power from the device, remove the front cover to expose the internal
electronics. Locate and unplug the TBM 320A board located inside the control housing
by loosening screws (A) and (B) and carefully pulling the board forward to expose the
mounting location for the CAM16 board (no wires need to be disconnected).
Figure 2
CAM16 Screw Mounts