Instruction Manual
4195K Controllers
July 2018
Calibration of 4195KB and KC Controllers
To avoid personal injury or property damage resulting from the sudden release of pressure, do not exceed the operating
limits given in this manual.
General Calibration Instructions
If the controller has the auto/manual station (suffix letter E), be sure the controller is in the automatic mode before performing
If the prestartup checks, or startup, reveal faulty controller operation, perform the calibration described in this section.
These instructions are valid for either shop or field calibration, provided that open loop conditions exist. Unless
otherwise noted, key numbers are found in figure 7‐1.
Do not use the gauges supplied with the controller during calibration. Monitor process pressure, supply pressure,
controller output pressure, and if applicable, remote set point pressure with external gauges.
Process Indicator Zero and Span Calibration
Before starting this procedure:
Provide a regulated process pressure to the controller and a means of measurement external to the controller.
Provide a means of measuring the controller output pressure by connecting the controller output to a pressure
gauge (open‐loop conditions must exist). Provide a regulated supply pressure to the controller. Do not exceed the
normal operating pressure in table 1‐6.
Refer to figures 4‐1 and 4‐3 for adjustment locations.
Any change to the process pointer span adjustment will require readjustment of the process pointer zero adjustment.
1. Remove the two screws (key 6) and lift off the proportional band indicator cover (key 36).
2. Set the proportional band between DIRECT and REVERSE.
3. Apply process pressure equal to the process scale span lower limit.