Instruction Manual
3610J and 3620J Positioners
September 2017
Table 1. Specifications (Continued)
Declaration of SEP
Fisher Controls International LLC declares this
product to be in compliance with Article 4 paragraph
3 of the PED Directive 2014/68/EU. It was designed
and manufactured in accordance with Sound
Engineering Practice (SEP) and cannot bear the CE
marking related to PED compliance.
However, the product
bear the CE marking to
indicate compliance with
applicable European
Community Directives.
NOTE: Specialized instrument terms are defined in ANSI/ISA Standard 51.1 -
Process Instrument Terminology.
1. For direct action, an increasing input signal extends actuator rod. For reverse action, an increasing input signal retracts actuator rod.
2. Normal m
/hr—Normal cubic meters per hour (0
C and 1.01325 bar, absolute). Scfh—Standard cubic feet per hour (60
F and 14.7 psia).
3. The pressure and temperature limits in this document, and any applicable code or standard should not be exceeded.
Table 2. Fisher 3622 Electro‐Pneumatic Converter
EMC Summary Results—Immunity
Basic Standard
Test Level
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
IEC 61000‐4‐2
4 kV contact; 8 kV air
Radiated EM field
IEC 61000‐4‐3
80 to 1000 MHz @ 10V/m with 1 kHz AM at 80%
1400 to 2000 MHz @ 3V/m with 1 kHz AM at 80%
2000 to 2700 MHz @ 1V/m with 1 kHz AM at 80%
Rated power frequency magnetic field
IEC 61000‐4‐8
60 A/m at 50 Hz
I/O signal/control
IEC 61000‐4‐4
1 kV
IEC 61000‐4‐5
1 kV (line to ground only, each)
Conducted RF
IEC 61000‐4‐6
150 kHz to 80 MHz at 3 Vrms
Specification limit =
1% of span
1. The information contained in the table also applies to 3620J, 3620JP, and 3621JP electro‐pneumatic positioners.
2. A=No degradation during testing. B = Temporary degradation during testing, but is self‐recovering.
Table 3. Typical Performance Specifications
for Fisher 3611JP and 3621JP Positioners with 585, 585R, 585C, and 585CR Actuators
585C and 585CR
Size 25 Actuator
585C and 585CR
Size 50 Actuator
585 and 585R
Size 100 Actuator Standard
585 and 585R
Size 100 Actuator with
0.1% of input span
0.1% of input span
0.1% of input span
0.1% of input span
Step Response
0.3 seconds
0.3 seconds
2 seconds
0.3 seconds
Steady‐State Air Consumption
0.01 normal m
(0.4 scfm)
0.01 normal m
(0.4 scfm)
0.01 normal m
(0.4 scfm)
0.01 normal m
(0.4 scfm)
0.5% of output span
0.5% of output span
0.5% of output span
0.5% of output span
Terminal‐Based Linearity
1% of output span
1% of output span
1% of output span
1% of output span
Frequency Response
(-6 dB)
2 Hz
2 Hz
0.2 Hz
2 Hz
Supply Pressure Sensitivity
10% change in supply pressure changes the actuator stem position less than 0.1%
1. Performance tests are based on 6.9 bar (100 psig) supply pressure and lightest actuator springs. Performance will vary with other pressures and springs.
2. Size 25 and 50 actuators tested with appropriate parallel flexure (key 179).
3. Equipped with two 2625 boosters with 1/2 inch supply and exhaust ports.
4. Step response is the time for the actuator to reach 63 percent of expected travel after a 10 percent step change in input signal.
5. 3621JP positioner step response equals 0.4 seconds.
6. At 6.9 bar (100 psig) supply pressure. Normal m
/min‐cubic meters per minute (0
C and 1.01325 bar). Scfm‐‐standard cubic feet per minute (60
F and 14.7 psia).
7. 3621JP positioner steady‐state air consumption equals 0.02 normal m
/min (0.58 scfm).
8. 3621JP positioner terminal‐based linearity equals
Type Number Description
The following descriptions provide specific information on the different positioner constructions. If the type number is
not known, refer to the nameplate on the positioner. For the nameplate location, refer to key 157, figure 25.
A single‐acting pneumatic rotary valve positioner for use with Fisher 1051, 1052, and 2052 actuators.
A double‐acting pneumatic rotary valve positioner for use with Fisher 1061 and 1069 actuators.
A double‐acting pneumatic sliding stem valve positioner for use with 585, 585R, 585C, and 585CR actuators.
A single‐acting electro‐pneumatic rotary valve positioner for use with 1051, 1052, and 2052 actuators.