3.11 Modbus® communication
CoreSense Diagnostics has communication capability via a Modbus network connection. With communication
enabled CoreSense warnings, trip and lockout alarms can be displayed and recorded in a pack controller with
Modbus such as the iPro Rack Controller from Dixell.
Two types of Modbus are used with Stream compressors. The only possibility to identify which one is fitted in a
CoreSense module is to open the module lid, and to look at the circuit board and label.
Most of the features are the same; the main differences are explained in Technical information
“CoreSense™ Diagnostics for Stream Compressors - Modbus® Specification”.
All the pictures and information hereafter deal with the more recent version.
The communication cable is wired from the pack controller to the first compressor. Additional compressors are
wired in a daisy-chained configuration. The last compressor in the daisy chain should be terminated by jumper JP3
in the front module. Please refer to
Figures 4 and 5
Figure 4: RS485 daisy-chain connection
Figure 5: Two-rack daisy-chain connection
CoreSense modules can be connected to a PC through the CoreSense PC Interface software.
Figure 6
how to connect the CoreSense Diagnostics module to the PC, using USB to RS485 Dixell adapter.
Communication Port (+ GND
Figure 6
Modbus communication in CoreSense allows communication with any other third-party pack controller. The
Emerson E2 controller has
– GND + polarity.
The RS485 connection can be removed from the board without switching off the compressor.
For more information on communication with pack controller please contact Application Engineering.
Connect to USB Port