Electronic Expansion Valve CX2
for CO
subcritical application
Emerson Climate Technologies GmbH
Pascalstrasse 65 I 52076 Aachen I Germany
Date: 13.05.2022
G e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n :
CX2 electronic expansion valve is designed based on Pulse
width modulation concept.
S a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s :
Read operating instructions thoroughly. Failure to
comply can result in device failure, system damage or
personal injury.
This product is intended for use by qualified personnel
having the appropriate knowledge and skills like trained
according to EN 13313 or a specific training for
flammable refrigerants.
In a severely contaminated system, avoid breathing acid
vapours and avoid contact with skin from contaminated
refrigerant / lubricants. Failure to do so could result in
Before opening any system make sure pressure in
system is brought to and remains at atmospheric
Do not release any refrigerant into the atmosphere!
Do not exceed the specified maximum ratings for
pressure and temperature.
Ensure that the system piping is grounded.
Do not operate the valve at atmospheric pressure.
Before installation or service disconnect all voltages
from system and device.
Do not use any other fluid media without prior approval
of EMERSON. Use of fluids not listed could result in:
Change of hazard category of product and
consequently change of conformity assessment
requirement for product in accordance with European
Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU.
Ensure that design, installation and operation comply
with European and national standards/regulations.
M o u n t i n g l o c a t i o n :
• The CX2 should be installed in a position, which allows
the enclosing tube to be above the horizontal axis
(preferred: vertical position ± 45°). If the enclosing tube
is lower than the body of the valve, particle may
accumulate causing inconsistent operation.
Fig. 1
• For best results locate the valve as close as possible to
the distributor or inlet of evaporator.
• Allow sufficient clearance above the valve for removal of
• A filter drier mounted upstream of the valve is
recommended to protect the valve against contaminates.
I n s t a l l a t i o n :
• Do not remove seal caps until ready for installation in
order to minimize entering of moisture and dirt.
• The seal caps should be removed with care to avoid
damaging the extension tube connections.
WARNING: Avoid damaging the connections!
• Direction of flow must match with arrow on valve body.
• Installation of an optional orifice to the valve outlet before
Brazing. (flat screw driver).
Fig. 2
• After Brazing open the valve to allow evacuation of
system prior to charging with refrigerant.
B r a z i n g :
• Perform the brazing joint as per EN 14324.
• Before and after brazing clean tubing and brazing joints.
• To avoid oxidization, it is advised to purge the system
with an inert gas such as nitrogen while brazing.
Do not exceed the
max. surface
temperature of
100 °C!
Fig. 3
• To avoid overheating it is advised to make the joint at one
end cool the device completely before repeating the
procedure on the other end connection.
• Remove the coil from valve prior to brazing.
I n s t a l l a t i o n C o i l :
• For coil mounting please refer to corresponding coil
operating instruction.
P r e s s u r e T e s t :
After completion of installation, a pressure test must be
carried out as follows:
according to EN 378 for systems which must comply with
European pressure equipment directive 2014/68/EU.
to maximum working pressure of system for other
T i g h t n e s s T e s t :
Conduct a tightness test according to EN 378-2 with
appropriate equipment and method to identify leakages
from joints and products. The allowable leakage rate must
be according system manufacturer’s specification.
Failure to pressure test or tightness test as
described could result in loss of refrigerant, damage
to property and/or personal injury.
The tests must be conducted by skilled personnel
with due respect regarding the danger related to
O p e r a t i o n :
CX2 is mainly designed for use in liquid line.
Prevent to operate the valve under vacuum condition or
lack of liquid refrigerant in system.
• In close position CX2 has capability of positive shut-off
(as long as inlet pressure is 0.5 bar above outlet
• Perform a functional test of electrical circuit before
charging the system with refrigerant.
• Check for leaks, sufficient refrigerant charge and be sure
no flash gas is present before attempting to check valve
S e r v i c e / M a i n t e n a n c e :
• Defective CX2 must be replaced, they cannot be
• According to EN 378-4 during each periodic
maintenance, tightness tests shall be carried out at the
relevant part of the refrigerating system. This shall apply
where appropriate following any repair.
T e c h n i c a l D a t a :
Max. allowable pressure PS 90 bar
Test pressure PT
129 bar
Medium temperature
-40…+65 °C
Max. ambient temperature
+60 °C
+45 °C
Connection sizes
3/8” x 1/2”
(10 x 12 mm) ODF
Solenoid Coil
50 (60) Hz
Supply voltage /
Ambient temperature
Nominal / 25°C
40 bar
-10% / 25°C
40 bar
Nominal / 45°C
40 bar
-10% / 45°C
40 bar
Nominal / 25°C
40 bar
-10% / 25°C
40 bar
Nominal / 60°C
35 bar
-10% / 60°C
30 bar
MOPD values are valid only for 50 Hz supply
voltage operation. The MOPD decrease with increasing
ambient temperature.
Medium compatibility
Fluid Group II
Oils: Mineral, Alkyl
benzene and ester