Emeril Lagasse
Southern Cooker
Emeril Lagasse
Southern Cooker
When using the Charcoal Grilling Chamber, start
cooking with the Air Vents open. Opening the vents
increases air flow to add heat. Closing the vents slows
air flow to reduce heat.
Foods like burgers, hot dogs, and brats cook best at
moderate heat. A single layer of charcoal across the
bottom works well. Searing steaks requires a hot fire
with double or triple the layer of charcoal used.
When cooking for a few hours, such as slow cooking,
you will need to shovel ash out of the Grilling Chamber
and Tray before adding more charcoal.
When using the Portable Charcoal Grill or Grill/Slow
Cook Combo Configurations, simply open the lid and
remove the Grill Grate to access the charcoal.
When using the Oven Configuration, carefully unlatch
and remove the Oven Chamber to access the charcoal
in the Grilling Chamber.
Lighting charcoals with a charcoal chimney or stacking
the coal under paper are easy ways to get charcoal
hot. Wait for the charcoal briquette to get gray and hot
(about 15–20 minutes) before cooking.
Lump wood charcoal is made from natural wood, which
is easy to light, burns with a high temperature, and
burns quicker than briquettes. Lump wood charcoal
is good for searing steaks and burgers. Charcoal
briquettes are made from wood that is compressed into
consistent shapes. They usually have a longer burn time
and are ideal for long, low-heat slow cooking because
they make controlling temperature easier.
Choosing Wood
Smoke from the wood is meant to enhance the food’s
flavor, not overpower it.
Use dry, hard woods.
Mix in the dry, hard wood with your preferred charcoals
to create some smoke during your cooking cycle.
Use fruit woods, like cherry or apple, for light meats,
like poultry, or fish. Use wood like hickory, oak, or
mesquite for meats like beef and pork.
Cooking Guidelines & Tips
Cooking Guidelines & Tips
Cooking Guidelines & Tips
Cooking Guidelines & Tips
Meat Chart
Beef & Veal
160° F (71° C)
Steaks, roasts: medium
145° F (63° C)
Steaks, roasts: rare
125° F (52° C)
Chicken & Turkey
165° F (74° C)
Ground, stuffed
165° F (74° C)
Whole bird, legs, thighs, wings
165° F (74° C)
Fish & Shellfish
Any type
145° F (63° C)
160° F (71° C)
Steaks, roasts: medium
140° F (60° C)
Steaks, roasts: rare
130° F (54° C)
Chops, ground, ribs, roasts
160° F (71° C)
Fully cooked ham
140° F (60° C)
Use this chart and a food
thermometer to ensure
that meat, poultry, seafood,
and other cooked foods
reach a safe minimum
internal temperature.
For maximum food safety,
the U.S. Department of
Agriculture recommends
165° F/74° C for all poultry;
160° F/71° C for ground
beef, lamb, and pork; and
145° F/63° C, with a 3-minute
resting period, for all other
types of beef, lamb, and pork.
Also review the USDA Food
Safety Standards.