Dragon X750 User Manual V 1.0
©2018 Emerging Technology Ventures | www.etvamerica.com
Stabilize Mode
: The Dragon X750 maintains level with the horizon and
offers some stability. The pilot has more control over the orientation of
the Dragon X750 and is only recommended for more advanced users.
The left stick controls throttle and yaw; the right stick controls pitch
and roll, relative to the nose of the aircraft.
: Stabilize Mode does not use GPS to function, will drift if
controls are left alone, and will NOT hold its position. The Dragon
X750 will launch in Stabilize Mode without a GPS lock.
Return to Land Mode
: Immediately pilots and lands the Dragon X750 to
the point where it launched.
Toggling Modes
Stabilize Mode
– Switch 4 Up
Altitude Hold Mode
– Switch 4 Middle
Position Hold Mode
– Switch 4 Down
Return to Land Mode
– Switch 5 Down
Creating Autonomous Missions
Open the Q Ground Control App by tapping the app icon on the
GCS Tablet home screen
Change to Plan View, the third icon from the left near the top of
the screen
Add Commands to the mission and edit as needed
Send the mission to the Dragon X750 by tapping the button on the
top right-hand side of the screen
Change to Fly View, the Paper Airplane icon
Move the slider near the bottom of the screen to the right to begin
your mission
A Geofence allows you to create a virtual fence around the area you want
to fly in. If you then fly outside that area you can configure a specific
action to be taken, such as activating the Return Launch Mode.
With the QGround Control app open, change to Plan View
Select the Geofence radio button (top right of view)
Specify the fence settings in the editor panel
Send the Geofence to the vehicle