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PCT-193 L3-0308
wELcoME To cool.click™ 2 NEEDLE-FREE DELivERY DEvicE
Your doctor has decided to treat you with a EMD Serono growth hormone medication that can
be easily administered using cool.click™ 2, a needle-free delivery device.
cool.click™ 2 is a totally needle-free delivery device exclusively intended for the injection of EMD
Serono growth hormone [somatropin (rDNA origin) for injection].
cool.click™ 2 works by firing a jet of the liquid drug directly through the skin to the subcutaneous
region. The jet is created through a powerful spring acting on a piston inside a nozzle, and the
liquid is forced out through a small hole in the nozzle at high speed. Prior to each injection the
spring must be charged by winding the device. The required dose is then drawn up into the
nozzle, and then the device is discharged with the nozzle held against the skin by pushing the
release button.
Before you get started with cool.click™ 2, please complete these easy steps:
• Thoroughly read this instructions for use before you practice using cool.click™ 2.
• Fold out the front cover of this instructions for use. You will find a photograph of cool.click™ 2
with each of its parts clearly labeled.
This instructions for use will show you how to use cool.click™ 2 with a practice cartridge (or vial)
that comes in your Patient Starter Kit. After you are comfortable using the device on a pad, you’ll
learn how to administer your Growth Hormone medication using cool.click™ 2.
If you have any questions after reading this instructions for use, do not hesitate to ask your doctor
or nurse, or call at Connections for Growth
toll free at 800-582-7989 or Serocare
toll-free at
800-714-2437 for referral to the EMD Serono Nurse Network.
Remember, it is important that you feel confident with treatment right from the start.
• The practice cartridge (or vial) liquid is not for injection in humans.
• Physician or nurse training should be provided to you before you or your child use this
• Parents must explain to their children that cool.click™ 2 is not a toy. Adult supervision is
recommended when children are using cool.click™ 2.
• cool.click™ 2 must only be used with EMD Serono growth hormone and not any other brand
of human growth hormone or medication.
• As with any injection device, improper use of cool.click™ 2 may result in injury, including
the transmission of infectious blood-borne diseases. Adhere to strict safety and antiseptic
precautions at all times.
• In order to use cool.click™ 2 properly, you must first understand and follow the steps described
in this instructions for use. It is important that you use cool.click™ 2 only as indicated and
that you replace cool.click™ 2’s disposable parts as often as recommended.
• Patients and children (with parental supervision) who use cool.click™ 2 by themselves must
be able to see the numbers on the dose display clearly, turn the rear housing easily, and press
the release button.
• cool.click™ 2 should not be used with patients and children who have low platelet counts,
bruise or bleed easily, or are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), or any other medication/
therapy that may contribute to excess bleeding or bruising. Hemophiliacs should not use this
• cool.click™ 2 is not recommended for patients who do not have adequate subcutaneous
tissue or normal hematopoietic function.
• cool.click™ 2 should not be used with patients for whom growth hormone is contraindicated.
Please read the instructions for use or patient’s information leaflet accompanying your
prescribed growth hormone medication.
• If after trying a variety of delivery sites you are still unable to use cool.click™ 2 comfortably,
contact your doctor or nurse.