Updating server information on the storage system
The Update Server Information option allows you to send information
about the server to all connected storage systems. To update server
information, select option 1 from the server utility’s Welcome screen,
and follow the instructions on the utility.
Performing snapshot tasks
For information on using the snapshot tasks option, refer to the
Navisphere Express online help.
Generating a high-availability report
The Generate high availability report option (option 3) and the
naviserverutil hav [-upload]
command determine if the server is
configured for high availability by verifying that the server has at least
one connection path to each storage-system SP, and that PowerPath or
some other failover software, such as DMP or PV Links, is running. The
utility will not detect any other native failover software, such as Sun
StorEdge Traffic Manager.
After the verification, the utility generates a summary report and saves
it to the server. If you issue the naviserverutil hav command with
the -upload switch, the utility also sends the report to the specified
storage system.
Generate a high-availability report to:
check the status of a server.
prepare for a software installation on a storage system.
Checking the status of a server
To periodically check the high availability status of a server, select
option 3 from the server utility’s Welcome screen, and follow the
instructions on the utility to generate a high-availability report.
Preparing for a software installation on a storage system
If you are generating a high-availability report as a prerequisite to
updating storage-system software, you need to upload this report to the
storage system prior to installing the software on the storage system.
To generate and upload an HA report, issue the following command
from the directory to which you installed the utility:
naviserverutilcli hav -upload -ip
IPaddress |-h IPaddress|network_name
username -password|-p userpassword -scope|-s scopelevel
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide