Power/cooling modules
Each power/cooling module integrates an independent power supply
and blowers into a single module. The power supply in each module
is an auto-ranging, power-factor-corrected, multi-output, offline
The power/cooling modules, A and B, are located above the SPs
or LCCs. They share load currents and provide power and cooling
for an entire enclosure. An SP, LCC, or power/cooling module with
power-related faults does not adversely affect the operation of any
other component. If one power/cooling module fails, the other
compensates until the failed module is replaced. If the failed module is
in a dual-SP DPE-AX, the system also disables write caching. Removing
a power/cooling module from the enclosure causes a cooling fault that
will shut down the enclosure within two minutes.
Hardware and Operational Overview