Embertec SmartSwitch Series Frequently Asked Questions Download Page 1


Asked Questions


Why choose Embertec? ...............................................................................  2
What does standby power wastage mean? .........................................  2
What is active power wastage? .................................................................  2
What are the benefits of the Embertec SmartSwitch™? ..................  2
How does Embertec technology work? .................................................  2
Installation and Setup of AV and PC Embertec SmartSwitch™? ....  2
What audio visual equipment should I connect to the  

‘Always On’ socket? ........................................................................................  3
What audio visual equipment can I connect to the 

 ‘Power Saver’ socket? ...................................................................................  3
Can I plug more than one device into the Embertec 

SmartSwitch™ AV ‘Always On’ socket? ..................................................... 3
How can I reset the timer for Active Powerdown? .............................  3
Why does my TV switch off after an hour? ............................................ 3
Do I need to change any settings on my computer/laptop in 

order to achieve savings with the Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC? .......  3
Can I connect a Laptop to the Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC? ......... 3
What can I connect to the Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC  

‘Computer Only’ socket? ..............................................................................  3
What can I connect to the Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC  

‘Power Saver’ socket? .................................................................................... 3
Is there any appliance that I should not connect to the  

Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC ‘Power Saver’ socket? ............................  3
Does the Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC switch off my computer 

power supply? .................................................................................................  4
Do I need to install software on my computer to use the  

Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC? .....................................................................  4
How much money can I expect to save by using the  

Embertec SmartSwitch™? ...........................................................................  4
Does the Embertec SmartSwitch™ draw any power when the 

connected environment is idle? ...............................................................  4
Can the Embertec SmartSwitch™ damage my equipment? ..........  4
Do I need to turn off the mains power when installing the  

Embertec SmartSwitch™? ...........................................................................  4
My TV goes on unexpectedly? I have not pressed any buttons on 

any of the remote controls. Why is this happening? ......................... 4
Why does the standby light on my television take up to a minute 
to go off? ...........................................................................................................  4
Why does Embertec SmartSwitch™ flash when I’m not using any 

of my remote controls? ................................................................................  4
Does the Embertec SmartSwitch™ have surge protection? ...........  5
What is MusicMode™? Only applicable to Embertec

SmartSwitch™ AV (M) ...................................................................................  5
