Step 3
Install the 52pin PGA IC socket for U4. Observe proper orientation for pin 1 before soldering.
Step 4
Install the resistors R2, R3, R5, R6 and R8. Bend the resistor so that it may stand end up on the PCB.
R2, R5, R6, R8 - 10K ohm
R3 - 1 Meg ohm
Step 5
Install resistor R4. This is a 47K inline sip resistor. Observe proper orientation for pin 1 before
soldering. Pin 1 is usually marked with a dot.
R4 - 47K ohm inline sip resistor. Part#10-1-473
Step 6
Install capacitor C3 and C4.
C3, C4 - 22pf capacitor (20pf may be substituted)
Step 7
Install capacitor C1, C2, C3, C5 and C7. Observe the polarity for C1. Place positive side closest to the
silkscreened "+" symbol.
C1 - 1uf tantalum, 25 volts or greater
C2, C5, C7 - .1uf monolithic. The printed value on the capacitor will normally be 104, denoting a .1uf
R1 and C13 are no longer needed
Step 8
Install diodes D2 and D3. Observe proper orientation. Place the cathode side of the diodes to line up
with the silkscreened bar on the PCB.
D2 - 1N4007 or 1N5817
D3 -1N4148
1N5817 has a lower voltage drop while the 1N4007 can handle more current, your choice
You can omit diode D2 and use solder pad J4 to bridge the connection. We recommend installing D2.
This will protect the Finger Board from reverse input supply voltage connections. J4 is located on the
bottom side of the board, near JP1.
Step 9
The following headers are normally installed on the topside of the Finger Board. Depending on user
applications all or none of the headers may be soldered in.
Headers are usually purchased in longer lengths and cut down to the size needed. Use headers with
a contact lead length of .230"(shorter style).
JP1 - 2 terminal block connector
JP2 - Header 7x2