Do not install the system equipment in direct sunlight or near the heating element, because the
device may be deformed, faded or due to high temperature into the protection state and stop
Do not install the system equipment or stored in dusty, humid place, otherwise it will cause the
stability of the system equipment or intermittent failure;
3) To prevent the equipment was affected from the high electromagnetic, the equipment should be as
far away from the strong magnetic field equipment as possible.
Ensure the problem is not related to operator error, or system devices that are external to this unit.
Information provided in the troubleshooting portion of this manual may help with this process. Once it is
certain that the problem is related to the product contact your warranty provider as described in the
warranty section of this manual.
Warranty terms of global three years. While the term and warranty may vary by country and may not be the
same for all products. Terms and conditions of warranty for a given product may be determined first by
locating the appropriate country which the product was purchased in, then by locating the product type.
Specifications may change without pre-notice.