Log Release
It is the time constants and especially the release pa-
rameter that decide if the processing of a compressor
is obvious or unobtrusive to the ear. As it is difficult to
achieve perfect results for all kinds of different material with
only one type of release curve, the xpressor 500 offers two dif-
ferent options to chose from: logarithmic and linear.
It is characteristic of a logarithmic release that the time con-
stant shortens when the amount of gain reduction increases.
The advantage of this behavior is that short and loud peaks
(e.g. drums) have a fast release time, while the remaining ma-
terial is processed with a slower release. Its smooth perfor-
mance makes the Log Release especially useful for mastering
and stereo buss compression.
The linear mode, however, has a straight release profile,
without the slower tapering release characteristic of the Log
mode. The linear mode is a good choice for more aggressive
dynamics control of dry signals, and it is especially useful
when you want to process signals which do not have a long
decay period.
Logarithmic release progress
Linear release progress
Time (s)
Time (s)
Output level (dB)
Output level (dB)