M -Bus Split t er
Share up to 4 M-Bus slaves
Int roduct ion
The M-Bus Splitter allows two parties to have access to the sam e
main m eter. Two M-Bus m asters can be connected to the meter
and register readings individually.
This m anual provides the information needed to get started with
the M-Bus Splitter.
For a com plete description of the product, download the manual
from Elvaco AB w eb site, w w w.elvaco.com.
M -Bus 2-w ire syst em
M-Bus is a multi-drop 2-w ire bus with no polarity. Use a cable of
area 0.25-1.5 mm
, e.g. a standard telephone cable (EKKX
M ount ing
M-Bus Splitter can be mounted on a DIN-rail or directly on the
wall. For w all mounting, the black m ounting bracket on the back
of the M -Bus Splitter has to be dem ounted from the unit and
mounted on the wall. The M-Bus Splitter will then be snapped on
to the black m ounting bracket.
24 V pow er supply should be connected when more than
one m eter is connected or if the Splitter does not
manage to operate the connected m eter.
Connect m eter on the terminal m arked w ith M-Bus IN.
The m eters m ust have unique primary addresses
between 1 and 250.
Connect M-Bus m aster on the terminals marked with M-
Bus OUT2 and OUT1. M-Bus OUT2 must be connected
as it provides power to the Splitter.
M-Bus Splitter
M-Bus 2-wire
to M-Bus master 1
M-Bus 2-wire
to M-Bus master 2
24-35 VAC
30-40 VDC
Max. 4 M-Bus meters
Operat ion
When the Splitter is powered up it takes up to 5 minutes before it
is ready to use since it needs charging. During charging, all LEDs
will flash four short flashes in order every three seconds.
There are four settings to be done to adapt the Splitter to
the installation. This is done by setting the jumpers in on
or off mode. See Settings for m ore information.
Start the meter installation by changing the position of
any jumper (off to on/on to off). Put the jumper back to
its original position. See settings.
During scanning, the LED for M-Bus IN flashes with a
short flash every second. Depending on the scanning
speed the scanning time varies from 1 to 8 minutes.
When the scanning is completed, the M-Bus Splitter is in
norm al operation. See LED indications.
Troubleshoot ing
Make sure that:
All cables are connected properly, both on the M-Bus
Splitter and on the M-Bus m aster.
The voltage on M-Bus IN is greater than 23 VDC. If the
voltage is lower, disconnect one m eter at a tim e to find
the failing m eter.
The voltage on M-Bus OUT2 is greater than 26 VDC. If
the voltage is not w ithin this range, check the function of
the M-Bus master. Connect external 24 VAC power
supply when connecting more than one meter. When
low voltage is detected on M-Bus IN, all LEDs flashes
four times.
The connected M-Bus m eters all have unique prim ary
Contact the supplier if the error remains.
1. Screw term inal M-Bus OUT1 - Isolated
2. LED M-Bus OUT1 - Isolated
3. LED M-Bus IN
4. Screw term inal M-Bus IN
5. Configuration jumpers
6. Screw term inal external power
7. LED M-Bus OUT2 - Pow er
8. Screw term inal M-Bus OUT2 - Pow er
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