d) Aligning rain sensor
The measuring system of the rain gauge has already been set ex works to a high
level of exactitude.
Any alignment is therefore normally not necessary.
The alignment process takes fairly long (at least 0 minutes) and has to be carried out very
exactly and conscientiously as, otherwise, the exactitude is much lower than that which already
Proceed as follows for alignment:
• First of all, set any rain quantity value which may have accumulated back to zero.
For this, press the „RAIN“ key in normal display mode for about two seconds. After releasing
the key, the display of the total rain quantity must indicate „0“.
• Make sure that the rain gauge is clean and the count rocker dry.
• Pour 00 ml of clear water very slowly (distributed over 0 minutes) into the cone collector of
the rain sensor.
If the water is poured too quickly, it results in an inaccurate measuring result.
Pour the water into the cone so slowly that at no point of time water stands
in the cone.
• The total quantity displayed should be 6.5 l/m
• If any other value is displayed, the so-called rocker value is to be recalculated as follows:
6.5 x current rocker value
New rocker value =
Actual value (display after filling with water)
• This new value has to be entered in the configuration menu (see section 9. a), „enter alignment
value of rain sensor“) .
It is always entered in ml/rocker beat, the unit on the right is the subsequent
display unit of rain quantity!
The setting ex works is 95 ml/rocker beat (the ”current rocker value“ for the formula above).