Audio Technology 5
quired. This may be the case if, for example, a firmwa-
re bug or the like is corrected. The FW file must first
be downloaded. Then select the downloaded file and
start the FW update. This process should not be inter-
rupted, otherwise a malfunction may occur.
The unit is operated via a rotary wheel (rotary encoder)
and four function keys that perform different func-
tions depending on the menu. The unit is switched
on by pressing the rotary encoder. The Firmware ver-
sion first appears in the display. Then the main screen
appears. All the symbols are shown and explained in
Fig. 6
. In the main screen, you can use the function
keys (F1 to F4) and the rotary encoder to carry out the
functions described below.
The function keys F1 to F3 can be used to call up
previously previously programmed frequencies (S1 to
S3). The fourth function key F4 is used to switch the
RF output (RFon) on and off. The active RF output is
indicated by an antenna symbol. The frequency can
be changed manually by turning the rotary encoder.
Pressing the push-button (rotary encoder) allows
you to enter the menu, which offers the following set-
ting options and can be seen in the overview in
Fig. 7
RF Level (RF Power) and Pre-emphasis
Here, the output level can be changed in a range from
88 to 118 dBµV.
The function keys can be used to set the pre-em-
phasis. In Europe, a pre-emphasis of 50 µs is used
The pre-emphasis is a transmitter-side treble boost
that is compensated by de-emphasis in the receiver.
This procedure is used to improve the signal-to-noise
The deviation depends on the modulation depth. In
FM modulation, the deviation indicates the volume of
the modulation signal. The greater the deviation, the
higher the volume
. The change in carrier frequen-
cy ∆fr is called frequency deviation. The deviation
can be set separately for themain carrier, RDS carrier
and pilot tone. According to the standard, the total
deviation must notexceed 77
kHz, because the carri-
ers can interfere with each other. For this reason, the
total deviation is displayed as a sum.
The function keys can be used to directly select
between the setting options, or the rotary encoder
can be used to advance. The respective value is chan-
ged with the rotary wheel. The menu can be exited
with the function key F4.
, the basic settings for the deviation can
be restored. To do this, select this menu item by pres-
sing the rotary encoder and turn it to
, then press
the encoder again to restore the default settings.
, the menu is closed without restoring the
basic settings.
„Audio“ Menu
In this menu you can select three submenus and acti-
vate or deactivate the limiter. The limiter can also be
switched with the function key F4.
Input Mode
Here you can select the source for the FM modulation. You can choose
between analogue input (jack socket), digital input (USB) or fixed fre-
quencies. By turning the rotary knob or using the function keys, you can
directly select between the inputs. To leave this menu, press the func-
tion key F4.
Note: No external analogue signal may be present during internal modula-
tion, as both signals mayoverlap.
The functions can be activated using the rotary wheel. In addition, the
stereo, mono and mute functions can be activated directly via the func-
tion keys F1 to F3. Press the F4 key to leave this menu.
Press the F1 key to activate or deactivate the RDS function. Key F2 ac-
tivates the TA (Traffic Announcement) function. This causes a volume
increase on the receiver side if TP is also active.
When the function is activated, the corresponding circle next to the
function is filled in green.
The TP (Traffic Programme) function is activated with the F3 key.
TP identifies a station that offers traffic radio. Further information is
available at
Menu Settings
Display Timeout
you can set the time after which the display swit-
ches off (1‒10
min). The set functions remain active.
the display permanently, but this is not recommended, as switching it
on permanently can lead to premature failure at the end of the limited
service life of OLED displays.
Auto Power Off
This setting only applies to battery operation.
Auto Power Off
you can set a time after which the unit switches
off after the last operation (1‒10
min). With Disable or when supplied via
USB, the unit does not switch off automatically.
Limiter enabled
when red lights up
Symbol for
0/50 µs/75 µs
Set frequencies 1‒3
RF Output-
Figure 6: All possible elements of the display