ELTRONIKA sp. z.o.o.
Ul. Warszawska 41 lok.7
05-092 Łomianki
- Polska: +48 22 751 97 44
- Česká republika: +420 228 880 487
- Slovensko: +421 904 540 707
User files
You can upload to the modem your own scripts and executable files and set them
to be used in certain situations (e.x. when the VPN connection is established or at
modem startup). Under User files tab there is a list of user files. It is refreshed
automatically after selecting tab, it can be also manually refreshed by pressing Refresh
button. To delete file, select it from the list and press Delete button. To upload file, click
Upload new button. You will be redirected to separate site. Choose file by pressing
Browse... button and commit your choice by clicking Upload. After upload you will be
informed if the whole operation was successful or the error message will be displayed.
Use link to return to the main page of www configuration. All files are stored with rights
for file execution, so they can be used in scripts.
Below the file upload panel there are two fields, where you can write scripts.
Startup script will be executed after startup procedure of modem and Reconfiguration
script every time you click Save Configuration button in www configuration. You can
write your scripts in Bash or PHP, but remember to use special header for scripts
((#!/bin/bash lub #!/usr/bin/php). You can execute uploaded user files, they are stored
in /root/userfiles.