Carrier for insect photography
© Copyright eltima electronic 2017
Carrier for insect photography
Assembly 2 20x20x600 rails and 1 20x40x600 rail to a frame like shown in
Figure 28.
Set the distance between the two vertical rails according to your needs.
Mount the large corner plate in the middle of the 20x40x600 rail, like shown
in Figure 29. It will be the support for the camera.
Put the large corner plate on the back side of the rail if you need more
distance between the camera and the light barrier.
Mount the two small corner plates for the reflector and the light barrier at
the ends of the frame like shown in the Figure 30 and Figure 31.
Figure 31: Frame for insect photography
Figure 30:
mounting of the large cor-
ner plate
Figure 29: corner plate for
the reflector
Figure 28: corner plate for
the light barrier