J125B: Maintenance Instructions
Regulator Body
Drawing Reference: Figs. 14, 15 & 16
NOTE: Numbers in brackets identify items on drawings
Regulator Dismantling Procedure.
Check external surfaces for excessive corrosion.
Disconnect diaphragm case assembly from regulator body (38) by removing the three grub screws (16),
gently pull out the case from the regulator body (38).
Disconnect the safety shut-off unit assembly, or blanking plate (42), from the regulator body (38) by removing
the four cap screws (43) or (48).
Remove valve seat (39) assembly from the regulator body (38).
Remove bonded seal (94) or gasket (45) from valve seat (39) assembly. Note: the old design valve seat
assembly with gasket (45) was glued into body (38).
Wipe clean the valve seat (39) assembly, check for any damage and take note of whether bonded seal (94)
or aluminium gasket (45) is fitted to the valve seat.
Check that the impulse tube (40) is clear. DO NOT REMOVE TUBE FROM BODY.
Regulator Rebuilding Procedure
NOTE: Inspect all sealing "O" rings, and replace where necessary
(a soft spares kit is available for this purpose, see page 17).
The use of Molykote 111 "O" ring lubricant is recommended during the rebuild- unless for use with oxygen
when no lubricant should be used.
If, when the valve seat (39) assembly was dismantled, the bonded seal (94) was fitted, then replace with a
new bonded seal (94). DO NOT USE ALUMINIUM GASKET (45).
If, when the valve seat (39) assembly was dismantled, the aluminium gasket (45) was fitted, then replace
with new aluminium gasket (45). DO NOT USE WITH BONDED SEAL (94).
Note: The bonded seal (94) and
aluminium gasket (94) CANNOT be interchanged with each other, due to valve seat (39) being a different
length and this may affect unit performance and safety.
Refit valve seat (39) assembly into regulator body (38) by screwing it in until metal contact is made.
Fit new "O" ring (46) onto diaphragm case assembly and apply "O" ring lubricant.
Insert diaphragm case assembly into regulator body (38) being careful not to damage the "O" ring, secure in
place with three grub screws (16).
Replace "O" rings (41) and (44) into regulator (38) making sure the contact surfaces are clean and the "O"
rings are lubricated.
Locate and secure the safety shut-off assembly, or blanking plate (42), in place using four cap screws (43) or
Test unit for gas tightness.
Commission unit as described on pages 2 - 6.