Application Manual
97 Parameterization of the EK280 for operation with a ComFTP modem
For parameterization of the EK280 you will require a connection cable for the optical interface as
well as the enSuite program which can be downloaded for free at www.elster-instromet.com.
For parameterization of the COMFTP modem you need a commercially available DSUB9-RS232
parameterizing cable (1:1 through-contacted, no null-modem cable!) for the connection of your
PCs/laptops with the modem parameterizing interface (located on the modem adapter board of the
FE260, or a functioning GSM/CSD connection and the parameterizing program WinPADS200-EK
version V2.99 or later which you may download free of charge from www.elster-instromet.com
a) Closing the time windows
In order that the parameterization works correctly the time windows 5 and 6 must be closed. To do this:
Connect a PC with enSuite installed to the EK280 optical interface using the connection cable.
Start enSuite and set up the communication link to the EK280 using the optical interface (see
chapter 3.1 "
Setting up the communication link to the EK280 via optical interface
To do this select "
" on the left-hand side and then "
Parameterize online
" at the bottom of
the navigation window.
In the top of the device window open the path "
" > "
" by clicking on the relevant
plus signs, and then select "
Call time windows
In call windows 5 and 6 set start and end to the same value for each one and then select the
"Transfer changes to device" icon at the top of the enSuite window.
Then wait a minute, for any communications activity in progress on the EK280 to be safely stopped.
b) Send parameter file
Depending on the modem type installed in the FE260, transmit one of the following parameter files to
the EK280 (see Chapter 3.6, page17):
- Modem type "
Integra M2106
EK280_xvx. - FE260 & int. M2106+ (FW657e) - ComFTP (only V1.25) (*)
- Modem type "
EK280_xvx. - FE260 & int. ECM-GW-120 - ComFTP (*) 12
Also transmit the following further parameter file to the EK280.
EK2.. - Activate standard output data record for process data (*) 12
Set up the communication link via the optical interface between enSuite and the EK280 again. ComFTP application parameterization in the FE260 modem
For parameterization of the COMFTP you need a commercially available cable for the serial data
transmission between your PC / laptop and the modem in the FE260, as well as the program
WinPADS200-EK version V2.99 or later which you may download free of charge from www.elster-
The cable for serial data transmission requires a 9-pin plug (male plug) for connection to the FE260, and either
a COM port connection (as a rule a 9 pole female socket) or a USB socket for the connection to the PC or
Make sure that the mains voltage supply used to power the FE260 has been safely shut down and
then open the FE260 housing.
Ensure the mains voltage is disconnected before opening the FE260 housing, ensure it
is not turned back on and verify that there is no voltage.
The "x" stands for the version of software on the device, e.g. "2v2".
The star * stands for a small letter which indicates the version of the file, e.g. "a".