KT Electrodes Humidifiers
Ver. 20.2.EN
Elsteam S.r.l - via E. Fermi, 496 - 21042 Caronno Pertusella (va) - Tel.+39 02 9659890 - Fax +39 02 96457007
E-mail: info@elsteam.it - Web: http://www.elsteam.com
LED 1 on.
With demand of humidistat:
LED 1 on
LED 2 on, proportionally to the humidistat demand.
LED 3 on, proportionally to the humidifier production.
Electronic adjustments
All the adjustments described in the following paragraph are carried out using the trimmers shown
in the schedule. The humidifiers are already calibrated in the factory during the burn-in of the
machine. These explanations of electronic adjustments are meant any for maintenance following
failures or after electronic spare parts replacements.
P2 and P4 allow the use of humidistats with output characteristics different from those established,
as standard, for the humidifiers.
The standard input signal from humidistat to Elsteam humidifiers is 0 V (with no humidity demand)
10 V (with requested of full humidifier capacity).
If the humidistat gives different output, up to 20 Vdc (pulsed or dc), the humidifier works without
problems, However, if you need better performance, you could adjust P2 or P4 trimmer.
If the humidifier output is more than 10 Vdc, turn the trimmer P4 counter clockwise, proportionally
to the difference between the actual output and 10 Vdc.
If the humidifier output is less than 10 Vdc, turn the trimmer P4 totally clockwise, and the trimmer
P2 clockwise proportionally to the difference between the actual output of the humidistat and 10