HighPressure Humidifier - Constant Pressure
Elsteam S.r.l - via E.fermi, 496 - 21042 Caronno Pertusella (va) - Tel.+39 02 9659890 - Fax +39 02 96457007
E-mail: [email protected] - Web: http://www.elsteam.com
Basic menu programming fields are:
Humidify System
Enable or disable the humidifier
"Enabled", System on
"Disabled", System off
Life Time
Display the effective working time of the system
This field is read only. Cannot be modified by the user
Change Oil Timer
Display the remaining time before pump oil change
c. Cannot be modified by the user
Counter of the remaining time before pump oil change
The high pressure pump requires changing the oil every 500 hours of operation (the first oil change
should be made after 50 hours of operation). Use SAE 15W40 mineral oil. The quantity of oil needed
depends on the pump flow. Please refer to the pump system manual for details.
The controller counts the time remaining for the next oil change. At the end of that period the message
"ChangeOil xxxxxh" is displayed to inform user that oil must be changed. After this message there is still a
period of 50 hours before the controller BLOCKS the system.
If oil is changed before scheduled time (before the controller blocks the system), the oil counter must be
reset by pressing SET and OK buttons. When the message “Pump Oil has been changed” is displayed,
press OK button to confirm and reset the counter. By pressing CANC button the counter is not reset and
the system will stop at counter expiration.
At expiration of extended period the system will stop working and following message will be displayed
“System Failure - Change the Oil of the Pump”.
Once the oil is changed do not forget to reset the oil counter by pressing OK button. When the message
“Pump Oil has been changed” is displayed, press OK button to confirm and reset the counter. By pressing
CANC button the counter is not reset and the system will remain blocked.
Display of the remaining time
During normal working operation the user can display remaining time before oil change pressing -
LCD Contrast change
If necessary the user can modify the value of the display contrast pressing CANC button and one of +
- button.
Display of Firmware version
User can display the installed firmware version pressing + and - buttons.
Electronic controller advanced programming
(only for maintenance/fitter)
Advanced programming mode allows maintenance people and fitters to modify additional parameters
depending on the working conditions of the HPN system.
To enter the advanced programming mode press SET and + buttons for 2 seconds, until the following
message is displayed:
Humidify System
-- Enabled --