If CO concentra on overruns 20PPM, the func on of
temperature display will be disable.
3.3 CO alarm warning
When the device detects a dangerous level of CO, the device will
emit a loud alarm pa ern. The alarm signal pa ern is 4 beeps
followed by 2 seconds of silence. The ALARM indicator (red) will
flash the same pa ern. This cycle repeats as long as a dangerous
CO condi on exists.
Alarm sensi vity se ng:
Conforms to EN 50291-1:2018
30PPM : Without alarm before 120 minutes
50PPM : Alarm between 60 to 90 minutes
100PPM : Alarm between 10 to 40 minutes
300PPM : Alarm within 3 minutes
: Refer to “3. What to do if the alarm sounds” when you
hear the sounds of the CO alarm warning.
3.4 CO alarm warning silence
During the device under CO alarm mode, pressing
theTEST/SILENCE bu on, it will be paused alarm sound of the
device about 10 minutes. The ALARM indictor (red) will keep
flash as CO alarm mode, it indicates the device is running into
the CO alarm silence mode.
: The audible alarm signal will reac vate about 10
minutes from the me the TEST/SILENCE bu on is operated
where the concentra on of CO surrounding the alarm remains at
50 PPM or greater.
: The audible alarm signal cannot to silence if the alarm
at concentra on above 200 PPM.
: The alarm silencing ac va on to once throughout a CO
alarm period.
Before enable feature of CO alarm warning silence,
you should be confirmed that the alarm is due to dangerous
levels of carbon monoxide and the dwelling should be ven lated.
3.5 Low ba ery voltage warning
If the device chirps once every 40 seconds, with FAULT indicator
(yellow) will be flash. It indicates the ba ery is low. The LCD
displays always displays " ".
: When the low ba ery voltage warning is occur, the device
has capable of producing a CO alarm signal for at least 4 min or
30 days of low ba ery voltage warning signal opera on.
: The device will not protect against the risk of carbon
monoxide poisoning when the ba ery has drained.
3.6 Low ba ery voltage warning silence
When the device is under the low ba ery warning, pressing the
TEST/SILENCE bu on, it will come into a low ba ery voltage
warning silence status for about 9 hours, meanwhile it will
appear " " on LCD, and FAULT indicator (yellow) s ll keep
The silence feature of low ba ery voltage warning is
temporary ac on to cancel warning sound effect, you need
replace the ba ery as soon as possible.
3.7 Fault warning
If the device chirps twice every 40 seconds with FAULT indicator
(yellow) will be flash. It indicates the CO alarm is in malfunc on
condi on. The LCD displays " Err ", that means your CO alarm
have no detec ng func on and no respond CO.
: Maybe the sensor is missing, replace the device
immediately. Please contact us to more service.
3.8 Fault warning silence
When the device is in a fault state, press the TEST/SILENCE
bu on, it will enter the fault warning mute state for about 9
hours, while displaying " " on the LCD, and the FAULT indicator
(yellow) remains flashing.
: The silence feature of fault warning is a temporary ac on
to cancel warning sound effect, you need replace the device as
soon as possible.
3.9 End-of-life warning
If the device chirps 3 mes every 40 seconds with FAULT
indicator (yellow) flash and the LCD displays ‘End’. It indicates
end of life of CO alarm. You need to immediately replace the CO
3.10 End-of-life warning silence
When the device is in the End-of-life state, press the
TEST/SILENCE bu on, it will enter the End-of-life warning mute
state for about 9 hours, while displaying " " on the LCD, and the
FAULT indicator (yellow) remains flashing.
The silence feature of fault warning is a temporary ac on
to cancel warning sound effect, you need replace the device as
soon as possible.
Siterwell Electronics CO., Limited
No.666 Qingfeng Road, Jiangbei District,
Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China 315034
ELRO Europe | www.elro.eu
Postbus 9607 - Box E800
1006 GC Amsterdam The Netherlands
Reliable electrochemical sensor
Incl. 2x 1,5V ba eries
Silence mode
Low-ba ery indicator
End-of-life indicator
The alarm should be installed by a competent person.
This apparatus is designed to protect individuals from the acute
effects of carbon monoxide exposure. It will not fully safeguard
individuals with specific medical condi ons. If in doubt consult a
medical prac
Document nr.: CBFC28_MN_EN | Revision nr. : 2 | Revision date: 22-09-2021
Type B apparatus