Models without battery included
: Open the battery cover and insert the battery.
7. The screen below will appear within 10 seconds if the process is successful.
8. Time-out will occur if the binding process was unsuccessful. Please refer to the
Troubleshooting section.
Manual Binding
1. Remove the battery cover of the detector leaving the battery inside the detector.
2. Repeat steps 4 to 5 of the Binding with ELRO Smart Home Alarm
3. Locate the Tamper switch as shown below.
Tamper switch
4. Press and hold the Tamper switch for about 4 seconds and release. The LED
will start to blink repeatedly. This implies detector has now entered the binding
mode and is waiting to receive binding signals from the gateway.
5. Within 5 seconds, the LED indicator will then stop flashing and turn off,
indicating the learning procedure is completed. The screen below will appear
indicating the process is successful.