ELRO AG40PR11 Manual Download Page 2


The mo on detector AG40PR11 is designed for use with the HOME ALARM SYSTEM AG400011 and is designed 
to detect movement.


Remove the back plate of the sensor by unscrewing the screw 


 at the bo om. Then insert the 3 included AA 

1.5V ba eries. Once the ba eries have been inserted, the PIR will warm-up during 2-3 minutes, and the LED 



of the sensor will flash to indicate it is warming up. Once the LED has stopped flashing, the PIR has finished 
warming up.


Before moun ng the sensor, you must first link the sensor to the alarm panel. When adding a sensor to the 
alarm system, it can be added under five different security types that differ based on in which mode they can 
give an alert and whether or not there is a delay. The types are: 

-    Security Type “0”: 

Fully Armed: The sensor will be ac vated only when the system is in Full Arm mode. This 

    sensor will not be ac vated in Par al Arm mode. When the sensor is triggered, the alarm will sound 
    immediately without any preset delay.

-    Security Type “1”:

 Par ally Armed and Fully Armed: The sensor will be ac vated when the system is either 

    fully or par ally armed. When the sensor is triggered the alarm will sound immediately without any preset 

-    Security Type “2”:

 Fully Armed + Delay: Same as Security Type “0”, except when the sensor is triggered the 

    alarm will sound a er a preset Entry delay. This is mostly used for the main entrance to prevent any 
    accidental triggering of the alarm by the user.

-    Security Type “3”:

 Par al Arm and Fully Arm + Delay: Same as Security Type “1” except when the sensor is 

    triggered the alarm will sound a er a preset Entry delay. This is mostly used for the main entrance to 
    prevent any accidental triggering of the alarm by the user.

-    Security Type “4”: 

24Hrs intruder: The sensor will immediately trigger an alarm, regardless whether the 

    system is (par ally) armed or disarmed. This is normally used to protect areas from any unauthorized access, 
    such as a safe box or an electrical maintenance room, etc.

When you have selected which security type fits best with the sensor you are using, follow these steps to link 
the sensor to the alarm system:
1.  Ensure you have inserted the ba eries so that the sensor is powered on
2.  On the alarm panel, enter your PIN +        DISARM key to disarm the system.
3.  Then enter your PIN + 15 + (Security Type) +        PARM to start the binding process. 
    The         DISARM LED will start to blink for 30 seconds with a beep tone.
4.  Within 30 seconds, set the sensor to enter binding mode by pressing the tamper key on the back for a few 
    seconds and releasing.
5.  If the sensor has been successfully linked to the alarm panel, the        DISARM LED will turn on for 1 second 
    and you will hear a long beep. A keypad LED will turn on to indicate the zone number that has been assigned 
    to the sensor (Numbers 1-9 for zones 1-9, 0 for sensor zone 10 or higher). We advise you to note down the   
    loca on and the zone number.
6.  If binding fails, it will  meout a er 30 seconds and 3 short beeps will be heard.
7.  To exit the binding process, press the         DISARM key.


Before moun ng, it is wise to first test the contact where you want to mount it, to ensure it is within range of 
the control panel. To test enable test mode on the alarm panel by entering your PIN + 03 +           PARM key. 
Next press and release the tamper switch on the back of the sensor when you are holding it near the place 
where you want to mount it, you should now hear a chime from the alarmpanel. When you have finished the 
test, press the        DISARM key to exit test mode. 


1.  The mo on detector must not be placed facing a window that lets in direct sunlight. mo on detectors are 
    not suitable for use in sunrooms or greenhouses. 
2.  The mo on detector must not be placed in a room where there are pets when the alarm is enabled, this can 
    cause false alarms.
3.  Do not place the mo on detector in a place where a ven lator is in its line of sight.
4.  Do not place the mo on detector directly above a heat source (e.g. fire, radiator, boiler, etc.)
5.  Where possible, mount the mo on detector in the corner of a 
    room, so that the logical path of an intruder would cut across the 
    detec on pa ern. Mo on detectors are be er at detec ng 
    movements across 


 their field of view, than they are at 

    detec ng movement directly towards the unit




AA - 1,5V

AA - 1,5V











AA - 1,5V











