Device description
Automationssysteme GmbH
VISIO PTE715_Windows.EN
Page: 22
Handling of ESD-Modules
Basically, the electronic boards should be touched only when
absolutely necessary. Never touch the
chip connectors and live conductors of a flat electronic module.
Touch the electronic components
, if you are permanently grounded via the ESD wristband, ESD
shoes, or shoes with protecting strip in constant touch with an ESD floor.
Discharge your body before touching any electronic module. For example, by touching electrically
conductive and grounded material (e.g. grounded bare metal cabinet parts,
water pipes…).
Electrostatic sensitive components or modules must not get in contact with materials which are
chargeable including all standard types of plastic, desk top, and clothes with synthetical material and so
on. Components must only be placed on conductive surfaces. (table witg ESD- layer, ESD conductive
cellular material, ESD packaging, ESD container)
Do not place the components near visual displays and monitors or television sets. (Keep a minimum
distance of 10 cm)
The conformity of the above specified products with the provisions of the Directive
2004/108/EG, 2006/95/EG und 2011/65/EG is supported by the respect of the following standards:
Product standard
EN 61000-6-2:2015
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Grounding principles - Immunity for industrial areas (IEC
77/488 / CDV: 2015); English version FprEN 61000-6-2: 2015
EN 61000-6-4:2011
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial
environments (IEC 61000-6-4:2006 + A1:2010); German version EN 61000-6-4:2007 + A1:2011