3) For connecting the SDI signals we refer to the screen-printed markings for the SDI IN1
input. Follow the same procedure for the signal entering the SDI IN2 input.
3.1 Connect the SDI source to the BNC connector marked SDI IN1 using an RG59B/U
coax cable or equivalent up to a maximum of 150 meters in length.
The green IN1 SDI LED must light up
(The red FAULT LED can stay on during the first minuts of functionning.
This is due to the stabilization time of the output drivers)
3.2 Use a suitable VFM601i Tektronix-type device to test the signal from the BNC
connectors marked SDI OUT 1÷4 and check that the characteristics of the eye pattern,
jitter, amplitude and signal rise and fall times are ITU-R 601-compliant, i.e.:
a) Eye pattern
: clearly defined
b) Jitter
: less than 500 psec
c) Amplitude
: 800mV ± 10%
d) rise and fall times:
: between 0.75 and 1.5 ns
Typical SDI waveform
If the eye pattern is not clearly defined or jitter is >500 psec check that:
The source has a standard SDI signal
If the coax cable is not an RG59B/U cable, it has the same characteristics
That the input cable is not more than 200 meters long.
ELPRO Video Labs s.r.l.
Via della Praia, 4/A 10090 Ferriera di Buttigliera Alta (TO) ITALY
Tel.+39 0119348778 – Fax +39 0119348779