Thank you for buying this product. Carefully check the contents of the packaging.
It contains:
CONVI 1001
The CONVI1001 is a converter that accepts in input a digital signal HDMI, HDCP
compliant, and converts this in DVI digital video signal and SPDIF digital audio signal.
The unit runs input and output resolutions up to UXGA and 1080p. The unit
regenerates the incoming HDMI signal by decoding and re-encoding it to a new
standard DVI signal so it can extend the transmission range without degradation.
The conversion properties let to watch HDMI source signal on DVI digital display and
enjoy high quality digital audio at the same time on SPDIF receiver.
The HDMI input is HDCP 1.1 compliant so CONVI1001 can be used in all HD
NOTE: Different HDMI/DVI cable quality may affect the maximum resolution and
transmission distance.
ELPRO Video Labs s.r.l.
St.da della Pronda, 45/B 10142 Torino ITALY
Tel.+39 0117701583 – Fax +39 011703751
The mains adapter
code ADM050
- This user manual and the
conformity certificate
- The CONVI1001 unit