105 Radio/Serial Telemetry Module
User Manual
January 2004
failure will activate
the output,
successful comms
does not reset the
output. You must
use the “Reset
outputs on comms
fail” option (Refer
to User Options
Each remote module has a separate comms fail status - you enter a separate comms fail
mapping for different remote addresses. You can configure several comms fail mappings to
the same output - the output will be active if there is comms fail to any of the remote
addresses. You can also map a configure an output to activate upon any comms fail.
Configuring a “Comms Fail Address” of zero causes communication failure to any
destination module to be indicated on the selected output.
For example, if “Comms fail to unit 12” is configured to DO1, then the 105 module will set
(or activate) DO1 each time communications to unit 12 is not successful. If DO1 has a
“Reset output” time of 10 minutes configured for DO1, then DO1 will reset (de-activate) 10
minutes after the last comms fail to unit 12.
Debounce Configuration
Debounce is the time
which an input must stay
stable before the 105
module decides that a
change of state has
occurred. If a digital
input changes (say 0
1) and changes again (1
0) in less than the
debounce time, then the
105 module will ignore
both changes. Debounce
may be configured for
digital inputs on the 105-1, 105-2 and 105-4 modules and the analogue inputs on the 105-2
module. The default value of 0.5 seconds is suitable for most applications. In applications
where a digital input may turn on and off several times slowly (for example, security
switches or float switches) a debounce time of up to 8 seconds may be configured.
configured debounce time has no affect on pulse inputs.
Note that the analogue debounce is not configurable for the 105-1, but is configurable in the