Touchmonitor Adjustment Controls
Elo Entuitive Touchmonitor CRT User Guide - 15
Touchmonitor Adjustment Controls
Press the
button on the front panel to display the Main
Press the <
> or <
> button to scroll up or down the Main
Menu, then press the
button to enter the secondary
*Both 15 and 17-inch monitors degauss automatically when powered on.
Only the 17-inch monitor has the Degauss menu option.
M ain M enu
- (D o w n )
+ (U p )
S ize and P o sition . . .
G e o m e try . . .
C o lo r
D egauss* . . .
L a n g u a g e . . .
M a n a g e m e n t . . .
F a ctory R e set
E xit
Highlight bar
Quit touchmonitor
Main menu