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‘New wave’ embroidery is taking the world by storm. . . and its
fans have never had so many original ideas ! Hardly surprising –
the Elna 8100 is a veritable treasure trove of inspiration.
Customize your clothing and accessories, spruce up your 
household linen, have fun with the kids, or create your own 
original gifts – the Elna 8100 will soon become your family’s 

best friend ! Easy to use and featuring a large range of imaginative 
designs, the Elna 8100 is in a league of its own. If you like to vary 
your pleasures, live each moment to the full, and celebrate life 
in all its many colours, you’re in the right place !

A   W H O L E  
N E W   W O R L D  
T O   E X P L O R E !

Three built-in alphabets. . . 
and a thousand 
new ways to express 
your individuality.

T H A T   L I T T L E   E X T R A
T O U C H   T H A T   M A K E S  
I T   S P E C I A L

Put your creative stamp on a huge
range of different items.

A   T R U E   O R I G I N A L

Show off your true colours 
with a personalized style 
all your own.

T A K E   A  
C L O S E R   L O O K

detail to impress 
even the most 
perfectionist !

A T   L A S T   –
H I G H - T E C H  
I S   F U N !

A slick navigation 
system that’s ultra-
easy to use.

V A R I E T Y   A N D
I N D I V I D U A L I T Y :
T H E   M O D E R N
A P P R O A C H   T O
‘ T A I L O R - M A D E ’

With 55 embroidery 
designs and 18 border
styles built-in, the 8100
is never short on 

The Elna Digitizer* application turns your 
original concepts into professional quality
embroidery – for endless possibilities !

* A new computer programme that allows you to
create embroidery motifs from your original designs
(such as the fun characters featured in this brochure),
for stunning results 100% exclusive to you. 
Sold separately.

C R E A T E   Y O U R   V E R Y   O W N

S H A R E   A N D  
S H A R E   A L I K E !

Exchange embroidery designs with 
your family and friends – easily and 

The Elna 8100 : a creative 
