ELNA 434 - LEAFLET Manual Download Page 2

G A T H E R   U P T H E
C O M P L I M E N T S !

Ruched looks and other
sophisticated finishes
add elegance to your
creations ; now, nothing
could be simpler, 
thanks to the special
elastic foot*.

*optional accessory

R U N   R I N G S   A R O U N D
Y O U R   S E W I N G  
C H A L L E N G E S !

Use the free arm 
to sew your way round 
the toughest jobs.

T O P E F F E C T S !

Special stretch stitches make
it fun and easy to brighten up
those summer tops.

The Elna 434 – 
your creativity takes 
centre stage !

Fast-changing fashions, elastic, fluid fabrics... the Elna 434 can’t wait to go 
with the flow ! Lycra, jersey, knits, stretch, wool – today’s figure-hugging fabrics are 
a breeze for this consummate fashionista ! 
Spectacular results have never been so easy, thanks to a helpmate that bows to 
your every wish, never shirks a challenge, and even offers a full range of professional
quality accessories. Master the stitches behind the latest looks, stretch your talents 
to the max – the Elna 434 turns your every creation into a catwalk sensation !

H A T S   O F F  
T O   Y O U R  
O R I G I N A L I T Y !

Decorative chain 
stitching adds 
captivating highlights 
to your work.

R I G H T   S I D E   O U T
O R   I N S I D E   O U T   –
C R E A T E   S U R P R I S E

Make the most of the many
stitches on offer – 
then stand back 
and be astonished !

F R E E  
A N D   E A S Y

Imagine, invent, 
innovate – from now on,
there’s no fabric you can’t
use to brilliant effect.

K E E P Y O U R   C R E A T I V I T Y
O N   I T S   T O E S !

Make the most of a host of
beautiful, decorative stitches.


Special hem guide*
makes finding the right
style as easy as pie !

*optional accessory

S T A R  

Exceptional quality 
finishes, thanks to the 
special bias guide*.

*optional accessory

Elna434_Multilangue.qxd  26.3.2008  13:51  Page 3
