Steering servo
Attach a proper steering servo to the connector 11. The ground wire shows towards the right edge of the board. It must be ensured, that the
steering servo doesn't exceed the maximum current of 1.5Amps.
Winder motor
IMPORTANT! The motors must be suppressed against noise or interference!
Solder the provided 2-wire cable to your winder motor and attach the cable to the connector 4. The motor current may not exceed 10Amps.
All light connectors are equipped with a dropping resistor. It protects the light sources from overcurrent (20-50mA) and the board from
shortcuts. LEDs may be connected directly to the output. All light outputs are able to drive one or two LEDs. The brightness of each light
source may be configured individually with the ElMod configurator.
Front light: connect one or two white LEDs parallely to the connector 9.
Combined rear light/brake light: attach one or two red LED serially to the connector 8.
Notek: use the connector 7 for the notek blackout light.
Status LED (central unit)
The status LED L1 shows the condition of the central unit
Tank Module is in operational state
Single short out
Stick movement detected
Fast blinking
No valid signal from receiver
Slow blinking
Faulty communication with the sound unit
Double blinking
Faulty CPU power supply**
Single triple blinking
Bootloader activated. The module is ready for firmware update.
no connection to the sender is established or the transmission path between sender and receiver is disturbed. Please check the wiring and the proper function
of the RC radio and receiver. If necessary check the operability of the RC equipment with a servo.
**undervoltage on the CPU detected. Switch off the power for 10 seconds. If the error remains, assure that the ElMod configurator USB dongle is disconnected
and retry.
RC receiver
The Famo module may be used with four, five or six channel receiver. The currently active mode of operation is recognized automatically.
Please consider that the radio must be setup correctly (all mixers must be deactivated, the servo deflection must be 100% and the trimming
has to be centered)
If the channels five and/or six are used, they must be equipped either with a slider, knob or a 3-way-switch (up-off-down). Otherwise only four-
channel operation is possible (no user sounds are available). For proper function the wires of unused channels may not be connected to the
The Famo module provides the power supply for the receiver (BEC, stabilized 5V DC) via the red/black wires which are part of the included
proportional cable set.
The receiver cable has to be attached to the receiver connector on the Famo module. The wire colors are:
Channel Control
Right stick
Left stick
Light and ignition
Winder motor (optional)
Depending on the receiver it may be necessary to adjust the channel order or swap its movement direction.
Check the manual of your RC gear for details.
Special functions and light control (Channels 3 and 4)
Left stick (channel 3+4)
Motor ignition
Notek (camo light) on/off (half deflection)
Front light on/off (full deflection)
Optional wider motor
User defined sounds
Up to 8 user sounds may be defined and up to four user sounds may be controlled by each channel.
Channel Control
3-way switch
User sound 1 (hold for 3 sec. and release for user sound 5)
User sound 2 (hold for 3 sec. and release for user sound 6)
3-way switch
User sound 3 (hold for 3 sec. and release for user sound 7)
User sound 4 (hold for 3 sec. and release for user sound 8)
The playback may be stopped by moving the switch in the opposite direction.
Undervoltage protection
The TankModule features an under voltage protection to protect the batteries from deep discharge. On delivery the threshold voltage is set to
6 volts for 7.2V NiMh/NiCd batteries. If the voltage drops below 6 volts, the vehicle stops and the attached lights start blinking. In this case
replace or recharge the battery.
© ElMod - 19-03-04