Gardner Denver Schopfheim GmbH
Postfach 1260
79642 SCHoPFHEIM / GErMany
Fon +49 7622 392-0
Fax +49 7622 392300
[email protected] • www.gd-elmorietschle.com
your Ultimate Source for Vacuum and Pressure
Elmo rietschle is a brand of Gardner Denver
Gardner Denver Deutschland GmbH
Industriestraße 26
97616 BaD nEUSTaDT / GErMany
Fon +49 9771 6888-0
Fax +49 9771 6888-4000
Maintenance and Cleaning
If incrustation is expected in the flow gaps due to the water or media quality (e.g. higher degree of hardness or
stronger pollution), clean it regularly.
Cleaning of the PWT can be performed by washing out, mainly in the backflow, i.e. in the opposite direction of
the actual flow direction.
If chemicals are used for cleaning, make sure that they are compatible with stainless steel,
copper, or nickel. Nonobservance can cause the destruction of the PWT!
Please read the following general cleaning recommendations.
For calcareous sediments or similar incrustation:
Cleaning agent: Phosphate acid
Concentration: max. 2 %
Temperature: max. 20 °C
recommended duration of action: ca. 1 h
For oil, grease, biofouling, e.g. by algae or bacteria:
Cleaning agent: Caustic soda solution
Concentration: max. 4 %
Temperature: 85 °C
recommended duration of action: up to 24 h
With this, strictly observe the safety instructions and recommendations issued by the manufacturers of the clea-
ning agents! Use chloride-free or low-chloride water with low hardness for all cleaning works!
Finally rinse with sufficient water until the acid has completely been washed out of the PWT and the adjacent
For further maintenance works see operating instructions
BA 832-42-EN
Edition: 17.11.2016
M 32-EN