Operation manual ISOTEST HV
Page 11
4. Maintenance
4.1 Maintenance
Apart from occasional replacement of the battery, the impulse voltmeter
ISOTEST HV requires no maintenance.
Do not throw the ISTEST test equipment or expose it to heavy impact.
If the impulse voltmeter becomes soiled, particularly on the orange-red in-
sulator, it must be cleaned before any measurement is carried out. Clean
the test equipment and the accessories, using a soft, dampened or dry
cloth. Use only mild detergents.
4.2 Inspection / Calibration
To maintain the high reliability and the high quality standard of ISOTEST
test equipment as long as possible, the equipment should be inspected and
calibrated by the manufacturer each year.
Observing the recommended inspection intervals contributes to continuous
functional safety of the equipment and avoids expensive repair. During in-
spections, all equipment functions are checked and the unit is calibrated.
The results of an inspection are stored in a database and documented in
manufacturer certificate traceable to the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische
Bundesanstalt, The German Bureau of Standards). A clearly visible label
indicates the due date of the next inspection.
4.3 Storage
If the test equipment is not used over more than 4 weeks, the following
measures should be taken:
1. Remove the batteries from the test equipment.
2. Clean the impulse voltmeter and the accessories.
3. Protect the equipment and the accessories from damage by storing it in
a dry room.
4. To avoid condensation at temperatures below the dew point, ensure
that the equiment is stored at normal ambient temperature.
Storage temperature: -20°C - +50°C (heating time constant > 10K/h)