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02-100/2017 Rev.: 0
ELKO EP, s.r.o.
Palackého 493
769 01 Holešov, Všetuly
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 573 514 211
e-mail: [email protected]
Characteristics Description
General instrucions
Internet of Things (IoT)
• The IOT wireless communications category describes the Low Power Wide Area
(LPWA). This technology is designed to provide full-range coverage both inside and
outside buildings, energy-saving and low-cost operation of individual devices. Indi-
vidual networks - Sigfox, LoRa, NarrowBand - are available to use this standard.
Sigfox network information
• The network supports bidirectional communication but with a limited number of feed-
backs. It uses the free frequency band divided by Radio Frequency Zones (RCZ).
• RCZ1 (868 MHz) Europe, Oman, South Africa
• RCZ2 (902 MHz) North America
• RCZ3 (923 MHz) Japan
• RCZ4 (920 MHz) South America, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan
• Sigfox has more coverage across countries, so it is better suited for long distance moni-
• For more information on this technology, please visit www.sigfox.com.
LoRa network information
• The network is bidirectional and its communication uses free frequency band.
• 865 - 867 MHz
• 867 - 869 MHz
• 902 - 928 MHz
North America, Japan, Korea
• The advantage of this network is the possibility of freely deploying individual stations
in local locations, thus strengthening their signal. It can therefore be used effi
ciently in
company premises or, for example, in local parts of cities.
• For more information on this technology, please visit www.lora-alliance.org.
Information about the NarrowBand network
• The network provides two-way communication and the only one to use the licensed
LTE band. Our devices allow band 1 (2100MHz), Band 3 (1800MHz), Band 8 (900MHz),
Band 5 (850MHz), Band 20 (800MHz) and Band 28 (700MHz).
• It uses this SIM card technology for each device.
• The advantage of NarrowBand is the use of already built-up grids, which ensures suf-
fi cient reception outside and inside buildings.
• For more information on this technology, please visit www.vodafone.cz
Caution for proper operation:
• Products are installed according to the wiring diagram given for each product.
• For proper device functionality, it is necessary to have suffi
cient coverage of the se-
lected network at the installation site.
• At the same time, the device must be registered in the network. Successful device reg-
istration on a given network requires a charge for traffi
• Each network off ers diff erent tariff options - it always depends on the number of mes-
sages you want to send from your device. Information on these tariff s can be found in
the current version of the ELKO EP pricelist.
Magnetic detector (outdoor)
Made in Czech Republic
• The magnetic detector is used to detect motion – it is activated by attaching /
removing the magnet from the sensor.
• The Sigfox, LoRa or NB-IoT network can be used for message transmission.
• Data is sent to the server from which it can be subsequently displayed as a smart-
phone, application, or Cloud notifi cation.
• Battery status information is sent as a message to the server.
• Anti-sabotage (tamper): If the device is tampered with, the message is immedi-
ately sent to the server.
• Power supply: 1x 3.6 V batteries SAFT with approx. 5 years (depending on the fre-
quency of use).
• Protection degree IP65.
1. Using a fl at-blade screwdriver gradually slide it into one groove and the other in the lid
and swing open the cover.
2. Only with AirWD-101NB: Carefully insert nanoSIM (the device must not be energized
when inserting or replacing nanoSIM!)
3. The product can be attached in two ways:
a) Directly on a fl at surface by gluing * - apply a suitable adhesive to the bottom of the
base. Place the base in the desired location and let it dry.
b) Using a suitable fastener ** by screwing - drill holes into the base with two holes of
suitable diameter corresponding to the position of the holes in the bottom of the box.
Place the base at the desired location and attach it with suitable bonding material ac-
cording to the substrate.
1. Tamper
2. NanoSIM slot (AirWD-100NB
3. Programming pins
4. Button SET
5. Mounting hole Ø 4.3 mm wall
6. Antenna
7. Magnetic contact
8. Battery
9. LED
10. Magnet
Cloud app assignment
It is done in your Smartphone application. Enter the relevant information on the product
cover into the application.
When the battery is inserted, the detector sends an initial message, the red LED blinks.
Activation occurs when the magnet is attaching / removed from the sensor.
The detector sends a data message every 12 hours. In case of a state change, it
sends the data message immediately.
In case of an open box, every movement of the magnet in/out is indicated by the blink-
ing of the red LED. In the case of a weak battery when moving in / out of the magnet is
indicated by the LED flash twice.