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ELK-6040 Glass Break Installation Manual

Page 5



It is imperative that this sensor be tested during and after installation.  In
addition, it should be tested in its installed location at least annually.

   WARNING: The M1 Control should be placed into the Walk Test mode

prior to conducting any sensor tests.  This will aid in the testing as well
as help prevent false alarms and unintentional central station reporting.

M1  Walk Test mode is activated via  Keypad User Menu 

3 - Walk Test


.  As each sensor is tripped the keypad will chime and display the

zone number and name description.

There are two (2) methods for testing this sensor


Test Method #1 - Wake Up Test

A loud hand clap in the immediate vicinity of the detector is designed to
cause a wake up of the electronics and provide two (2) quick blinks of
the LED for confirmation.  This quick test only verifies that the sensor is
receiving power and its microphone and circuitry are working. This test
does not trigger an alarm or cause any RF transmission to the Control and
it does not significantly affect the battery life.


Test Method #2 -  Functional Test

This test requires a UTC 5709C (or equivalent) handheld glass break
tester.  The sensor must be placed into a special glass break test mode
using the tester and the steps outlined below.


 This sensor is designed to detect the breaking of framed glass

mounted in an outside wall, separating the inside environment from the
outside.  The sensor typically does not trip to glass being broken inside
the room or the premises.  It should also be noted that breaking of unframed
glass, bottles, etc. typically does not trip the sensor and is definitely not
recommended for testing purposes.  The sensor's Pattern Recognition


 is intentionally designed to ignore most false alarm sounds,

including that of glass break testers.  In fact, the sensor must be placed
into a special test mode prior to using the glass break tester.  This special
test mode disables the glass break pattern processing in the upper and
lower frequencies, restricting the sensor to listening only for the mid-
range frequencies that the 5709C hand-held tester reproduces. It is the
mid-range frequencies that determine the sensor range.

Activate the sensor's 

built-in Glass Break tester mode

 as follows:

A. Turn on the M1 Walk Test mode from the M1 Keypad.  This is local only

and will not transmit signals to the monitoring station.

B. Set the 5709C tester to the tempered glass mode setting.

C. Hold the speaker on the handheld tester close to the sensor microphone

and press the test button labeled "Single."
This should cause the sensor to go into alarm and the LED to illuminate
for 2-3 secs.  If not, press the test button again.

D. The M1 Walk Test mode should cause the Keypad to beep and display

the zone number/name belonging to this sensor.

E. The LED on the sensor will blink for the one (1) minute duration of the

glass break tester mode.  The one (1) minute time will restart with each
activation of the glass break tester.

F. Hold the 5709C Tester near the surface of the glass that is within the

coverage range of the sensor.  Aim the speaker at the sensor.  Make
sure the tester is at the point on the glass farthest from the detector.
If closed drapes or curtains are present, hold the tester behind them.


 The 5709C tester has a settings for three (3) types of glass. Set

the tester for tempered or laminated glass unless you are certain that all
the glass to be protected is plate glass.

G. Press the handheld tester button labeled "Single."

The expected and proper results are:
- The LED on the sensor should illuminate SOLID ON for 4 seconds.
- The M1 Keypad should beep and display the sensor zone number.

If these results do not occur:
- Check the battery strength in the handheld tester.  A fresh new

battery in the handheld tester will often improve results.

- Move the sensor mounting location closer to the glass


- Adding additional glass break sensors  may be required in order to

to achieve adequate coverage

H. When satisfied with the test results press the " * " button on the M1

Keypad to exit the Walk Test mode.  The sensor will automatically return
to normal mode approximately one (1) minute after it hears the last test
activation from the handheld tester.  In normal mode the sensor LED
does not blink unless it hears a loud sound.  In normal mode the sensor
will not trip to the tester, unless the tester is held very close to the
sensor.  Each time the sensor alarms, it also goes into the test mode
for one (1) minute.


Room acoustics can affect the sensor range and even artificially

extend it beyond the specified maximum range during on-site testing.  The
maximum range of the sensor has been established for worst-case
conditions.  While the sensor might occasionally function at additional
range, it could also miss a breakage event, particularly if the output volume
were minimum.  The room acoustic might also change at some future time
and cause the range to be decreased back to its specified range.  DO NOT
EXCEED the specified range of the sensor, regardless of what the on-
site testing results may show.
